The CMQM is a paradigm shift; reposition the individual at the center of the managerial project and the customer at the heart of the system of the commercial structure in order to achieve the quintessential customer satisfaction in order to optimize income.
It is only by winning the support of our employees by the place we give them and the bond we create with them to make sense, that they will love our customers and treat them as we expect.
By associating in equal parts, the development of the personnel and the economic performance of the company in order to optimize the income through a management more attentive to the base, centered on the respect, the recognition and valuing the work done.
“Everything has to change so that nothing changes" The Cheetah by Giuseppe Lampedusa, Luchino Visconti

Give sense
Finding meaning in one's existence is what many of us try to achieve over the course of one's life. Whatever path we take, whatever our origins; by will, perseverance and strength of conviction, we can all hope to achieve this.
The present situation that we are going through with the Covid-19 pandemic and which is disrupting our society, calls into question our economic model; change is underway, the field of possibilities has just changed, the world of tomorrow already belongs to the most seasoned among us.
“Hospitality is not only a career path but a way of life!"
Your comments
Last comments:
Sagesse et efficacité ! A faire passer entre toutes les mains. La relation client n'est pas vue comme une relation commerciale mais comme un levier de satisfaction à tous les nouveaux : clients, acteurs, collaborateurs, direction. Et donc une fidélisation à tous les niveaux (les mêmes). Une valeur ajoutée discrète mais indéniable.
Morabin roméo
Renversant !